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Cumbria County

Archery Association


Please contact the County Secretary Bev Love on



If you have something to add to the website please email cumbriaarchery@gmail.com


Please contact Chris Battersby

Phone: 01768 866 670

Email: aysgartharcher@gmail.com

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Beacon Archers

Bowmen of Furness

Bowmen of Holme

Cockermouth Company of Archers

Eagle Bowmen

Kendal Bowmen

Keswick Archers

Lakeland Archery Club

Lonsdale Archers

Maryport Archery Club

Millom Archers

Morecambe Bay Archers

Sellafield Archery Club

Vickers Archery Club

If you are looking for an archery club in Cumbria there are plenty about.

Cumbrian Clubs

Eagle Bowmen

Kendal Bowmen

Bowmen of Holme

Morecambe Bay Archers

Vickers Archery Club

Bowmen of Furness

Millom Archers

Sellafield Archers

Keswick Archers

Cockermouth Company of Archers

Maryport Archers

Lonsdale Archers

Lakeland Archery Club

Mail: info@bowmen-of-furness.org.uk Mail: bowmenofholme@gmail.com

Beacon Archers

Mail: ned99@live.co.uk Mail: eaglebowmen@gmail.com Mail: lakelandarchery@gmail.com Mail: maryportarcheryclub@outlook.com Mail: rogerpayne65@gmail.com Mail: fwise@kendalbowmen.co.uk Mail: markchristie101@outlook.com Mail: secretary@morecambebayarchers.co.uk